Who Knew?

Who knew when my mother-in-law gave us this JVC camcorder as a gift for our honeymoon over 20 years ago, that it would lead to this winding road of discovery for me?

I remember being so excited using this video camera while on our honeymoon. Recording something and then playing it back was a thrill for me. That’s all I did. Record and playback, record and playback LOL. Never once thinking about how to take what was on the tape and make it accessible to others. If they wanted to see what I captured, I would just playback what I recorded, but the ability to capture live, moving moments stirred something in me. I didn’t know what I was feeling, I just knew I liked it and wanted more.

As we built a life together, our marriage afforded me a safe place to explore. And explore I did! I took class after class after class. I took so many classes, that I can’t remember what most of them were. All in an effort to find myself.

Who knew that what I was looking for was packed away in a closet?

You never know what thing may spark your interest in something. If you feel drawn to it, try it. It might just be that you like learning or you just might find yourself. Don't be afraid to explore!


My Space!